Send a tracked email

Mail Track for Gmail add-on, unlike the Chrome extension, can be used from your desktop and your mobile Gmail App. In both cases, this article will show you how to add a tracker in your email.

Track an email from Desktop

From your Gmail inbox follow these 3 :

  1. When your email draft is ready, click on the menu button in the bottom right corner of Gmail draft panel. To avoid false positives in email tracking, be sure to perform this step after writing your email and setting recipient(s).

  2. In the popup, you can select the type of tracker you want to insert

  3. Your email is now tracked !

Track an email from the Gmail mobile App

From Gmail mobile Application (on IOS and Android), follow these 4 steps :

  1. When your email draft is ready, click on the menu button in the top right corner of Gmail mobile application. To avoid false positives in email tracking, be sure to perform this step after writing your email and setting recipient(s).

  2. In the popup, select "Insert from Mail Track for Gmail". Please not that the label of this text will be different depending on your phone language.

  3. You can select the type of tracker you want to insert

  4. Your email is now tracked

Last updated